(Notice) Supporting Equipment to Mount Exhibit

Hits : 519

Date 2023.11.20 Writer 관리자
File Demonstration Event_CONEX KOREA 2024.pdf

Supporting Equipment to Mount Exhibit



1. (Purpose) To support exhibitors' cost reduction and efficient promotion of their exhibits by providing equipment(vehicles) for mounting attachments, parts, etc., by the organizer.


2. (Period) Oct. 22 (Tue) ~ 27 (Sun), 2024

* From the date the exhibits are brought into the exhibition center to the closing date


3.  (Eligible) Exhibitors who need finished vehicles to mount their exhibits

* Exhibitors exhibiting attachments, parts, measuring and leveling machines, etc.


4. (Support Details) Free support* for participation-confirmed equipment** companies’ product

* Free support for equipment rental, but applicants are responsible for booth rental, transportation costs, and other expenses for equipment display

** Excavators, wheel loaders, skid steer loaders, forklifts, etc.


In principle, installing and displaying on equipment of non-participating companies or brands is prohibited. However, for items and models not owned by participation-confirmed companies who are handling equipment, equipment of non-participating companies is allowed to be carried in.

Reference : Article III-1 of Exhibitor Service Manual for CONEX KOREA 2024



5. (Supporting Usage) To display the applicant's exhibit in a mounted and fixed state.

* Due to exhibition center safety regulations, internal combustion engine equipment demonstrations are not allowed. Under the Exhibitor Service Manual, the exhibitor must secure safety facilities and personnel and be approved by the organizer when operating exhibit during the exhibition period.



6. (Application Procedure) Submission of forms application and pledge for support of equipment for mounting exhibits (attached) Matching with exhibitors’ equipment who participate in CONEX KOREA 2024 (organizer) Mutual consultation on support specifications and methods (both exhibitors)

* Detailed demand investigations including demand items, brands, models, mounting specifications, etc.


7​. (How to Apply) Submit the form of application and pledge via email from January 1 to May 31, 24 

* Please refer to the exhibition website for a list of exhibitors who handling equipment.

* Exhibitors planning to apply are requested to apply early for prior consultation


8.  (Inquiries and Submission) Kyungmin Kim, T.+82-70-8661-0813, E.kkm9603@kocema.org



Attachment: Plans of Supporting Equipment to Mount Exhibit(including forms of application and pledge)