(Notice) Information of the official forwarder

Hits : 253

Date 2024.05.23 Writer 관리자
File Shipping Guidelines_CONEX KOREA 2024.zip

Please note that the official forwarder CONEX KOREA 2024 has been selected and announced as follows.

Please refer to the attached file for the shipping guidelines, transportation estimates and on-site equipment unit price, and equipment use application forms.

Information of the official forwarder

- Person in charge

a. Overseas exhibitors: Amy Lee / E.amy.lee@rstexpo.co.kr / T,+82-10-9282-6879

b. Korean exhibitors: Todd Lee / E.todd.lee@rstexpo.co.kr / T.+82-10-4174-2124

- Attached files

a. Shipping guidelines(English)

b. Shipping guidelines(Korean)

c. Transportation estimates and on-site equipment unit price

d. Application form of equipment use